Вопросы по теме: Сопоставительный анализ фразеологизмов с компонентом, относящимся к фразеосемантическому полю «природа» в английском и русском языках

Название работы: Сопоставительный анализ фразеологизмов с компонентом, относящимся к фразеосемантическому полю «природа» в английском и русском языках

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Год сдачи:

2020 г.


1. Is it possible to find phraseological units with cultural-specific components which are difficult to translate into the other language?

2. What semantic type of phraseological units is more is more difficult for translation?

3. What was the basis for choosing the works of these particular authors as the research material?


1. Is it possible to find phraseological units with cultural-specific components which are difficult to translate into the other language?

In most cases the components related to nature are equivalent and exist in both English and Russian because nature is a universal semantic field. Nevertheless, sometimes phraseological units contain some cultural-specific components which can be difficult to translate into the other languages. For example, in the English language there is a phraseological unit expressing the intellectual capabilities of humans through the toponym nominating English river: He won’t set the Thames on fire. .......

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