Курсовая практика по теме: Лингвостилистический анализ произведения Джона Мортимера "Rumpole and the Right to Silence"

Название работы: Лингвостилистический анализ произведения Джона Мортимера "Rumpole and the Right to Silence"

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Тип работы:

Курсовая практика




31 стр.

Год сдачи:

2009 г.




Chapter 1. The lingvo-stylistic analysis…………………………………..5

1.1. Principles of The lingvo-stylistic analysis the analysis of the poetic text…………………………………………………………………………..…...6

1.2. Genre - style dominant as a basis for formation of the text….. .…11

Chapter 2. Features of Mortimer’s creativity (the lingvo-stylistic analysis)………………………………………………………………………….14

2.1. The phonologic level of the analysis……………………………...14

2.2. The morphologicaltion level of the analysis………………………16

2.3. The analysis of lexical means of expressiveness of speech……….21

2.3.1. Art possibilities of elements of lexical system…………….....21

2.3.2. Poetical symbolics. Words-symbols. ……………………...…25

2.4. The syntactic level of the analysis………………………………....27

In place of conclusion




Acquaintance with the best samples of English poetry and prose, ability thoughtfully to read and understand fiction in unity of the maintenance and the form promote all-round complete development of the person, formation of an inner world of the person, creation of conditions for formation at it to internal requirement for continuous perfection, for realisation of the creative possibilities.

In this connection it is necessary to pay the big attention to development of deep understanding of a work of art and inculcation of skills of its independent analysis.

At the first stage it represents the conversation organisation on the questions directed on elementary interpretation of a context.

1. Who is the story about?

2. What do we know about the main character?

3. Do you like him (her) or not? Why?

4. Which character do you like more? Why?

5. What pictures can you imagine while reading the story? What helps you to see them?

6. Do you like the story? Why? Etc.

Chapter 2. Features of Mortimer’s creativity (the lingvo-stylistic analysis)

2.1. The phonologic level of the analysis

Lets scrutinize examples of allitiration in this text. As I wrote above, allitiration - intended repetition identical (or acoustically similar) sounds or sound combinations. Such examples are:

… blessed free¬doms we have fought for, bled for and got banged up in chokey for down the centuries. We went to all that trouble with King John to get trial by our…

… that golden thread that runs through British justice…

… reminiscence, which will make…

… scattered all over the world…

… her long-lost cousins…

… entertainment value went…

… mouth who looked like a frog in some…

… really rather quaint…

… Clive Clympton… (smth like the «name» allitiration)

… institution, Tolson's Tasty Foods?...

…" Eheu fugaces, Pastume, Pastume",…

… who held out his hand to me…

… she was a model wife, or merely a model model….

… Ballard seemed stumped for words…

… was no longer following the fellow's drift…

… he slapped the small item…

… Soapy Sam seemed enormously relieved…

Usually alliterations are not used specially, but is the speech token. Such as - all over the world… &so. But we can see such phrases as Soapy Sam seemed or


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